X is sy to get the service of a brief 20 323 mx tv Polytron SJA lg yach hehehehehehe execute lazy, tv is damaged on Hor TR who always broken in a matter of seconds when turn on tv in this tv when it comes to workplace sya LED indicator does not flash and regulator noise sounds ngiiiiiiiiiiiik, once the search for causes sy ny hor nternyata short TR TRS sy replace with new-and fter installation sya try hsilny tv turn on tv and flame dn gk mo dlam matter of a few seconds only new-sy Hor TR pairs of broken-down again, dgan events Such was his sense is the cause that kills instantly Hor TR. check sy solderanya resonant capacitor and then was ok ok sya just wondering if his reply back ply is damaged? sy was not long and try to pull in measuring the digital tster dgan ssaja ternayata right back trsbut short.lantas sy ply ply back trsbut dgan replace the same type and TR Hor ny new-well, after the replacement of 2 components trsbut sy try and turn on the tv lg bbbyyyyarrrrrrrrrrr tv normal flame smpy several stories ny friend kawn jam.begitulah ku.suskes for you all
kemarin sy dapat garapan service tv polytron,kerusakanya pada saat tv di hidupkan led indikator nyala trs mati sbgymna layakny tv normal untuk merk polytron tntunya jika memang tv ini normal begitu tv di nyalakan dan led indikator nyala trs mati trs tv hidup,namun yg trjadi di tv ini tv ttep gk mo nyala sy cek semua tegangan di B+ cm ada 94V pdhal harusny ada 115V hhhmm kmna nih sisa ny? sy perhatikan dulu pda saat tv stnd by dan pda saat tv di nyalakan disini ada perbedaan pda saat tv stnd by dibagyn regulator da bunyi ngrik tp sgat kcil skli bunyi itu namun pda saat tv di nyalakan bunyi ngerik itu hilang,kebingungan jg dgn kdaan tv rusakny begini.elko2 yg bertegangan tinggi pun sudah sy gnti nmun hasilny nihil. o ya di VCC ic program tegangan normal berarti ini tv bukan protek cm gk bs hidup krna kurangny tegangan B+ ny. tanpa pikir panjang elko2 pun sy reboisasi tp hsilnya jg sma ttp nihil hhmmmmmmmm mna lg yg mesti sy gnti? pikir lg smbil ngliatin mesin tv yg bkin pusing ini enta
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